Collaboration 3D Ceramic Printing part 3

Well this has certainly been a crazy past couple of weeks. With self isolation being key to helping the population, certain things had to change. The collaboration project had to be one of those things. But never fear, we decided to at least create a render of what we wanted the final product to look like even if it may never become an actual object. I have to say that it looks pretty good. 
I would also like to express my wishes that everyone, their families and friends are safe and well. 

 The initial thoughts for this particular collaboration was to have three points of exploration in it. 
1) Mugs
2) Tray
3) Interlocking pieces
We decided on espresso size mugs with trays. 

The image above was a mock up of a potential for how the final product could look with adjustments added to the pieces. We have had some trouble hearing from some of our group members, but that is alright. I hope they are not too unhappy with the final product. Also a huge shout out to Carmen for finding the patterns and doing the toolpaths, and to Nicole who did the render for the final look. It looks amazing!!

We wanted to have tray pieces that interlocked, but did not have an obvious interlocking mechanism, so we decided to look for patterns that would allow for multiples. It would give us the flexibility to be able to add more pieces without them seeming out of place while simultaneously looking like they belong together. Once the pattern was decided on (the one on the far right), next up was the making of the tray as well as the mugs to go on the trays. 

This is Nicole's mug on the tray which the picture does not really show, but the tray has an indent that allows Nicole's mug to be nestled into it. Nicole altered her mug to a 6 by 9 cm dimension to fit the espresso mug size that would then fit onto the tray. 

This is Carmen's mug on the tray which also is sized to 6 by 9cm. 

Once the mugs were placed on the tray, the file was sent for the render and the toolpath work. Carmen and Nicole, you are both amazing and so talented!! Thank you for your diligence in making this piece look amazing!! 
I'm sorry that the toolpath was a trial and a half with the hand drawing, but it looks really good. Kudos!! 
