Collaboration 3D Ceramic Printing part 1

So it is almost time to 3D print clay, and it is a collaborative project. There is going to be sample pieces and possible splicing from five different amazing sources/perspectives to make one big piece or set up. I happen to be one of the people, so maybe four different amazing sources/perspectives. These amazing people are:


Brielle is a metalsmith (jeweller) who explores concepts of Indigeneity, identity & self, memory & perception, and forging & hammer work. Brielle is looking to create a mug that changes through the layers like sequences of photographs layered to make the subject matter appear to be animated. Here is Brielle's sample object and the images that inspired it. 

Brielle's Sample object

 Next up is Carmen. Carmen is a ceramicist who explores dishes & piles of dishes, ritual, memory, and mental health. Carmen is looking to create a base of tray with which a vessel could be placed into. Here is Carmen's sample object and inspirations.

Carmen's Sample object

 Next is Keven who is a ceramicist, but I am unsure at this point in time what Keven would like to create, so I shall move onto Nicole.

 Next is Nicole. Nicole is a media artist who explores nature, trees, animals, and predominantly works in video (projection mapping & animation) and sound. At first Nicole was considering making a cat head mug, but has changed the idea to an exploration of shapes on a mug form. Here are three samples of mugs that Nicole came up with and the set up in the Grasshopper program.

 And last, but not least is me. My immediate thought for this project was one or more functional vessels that would interlock. So I decided on salt and pepper shakers, but didn't want the small holes, so I put a spout on it. They may not work very well as salt and pepper shakers or they may just be for those willing to risk too much salt and pepper. I drew inspiration from puzzle pieces for the interlocking component, and found a really cool project of developed interlocking bricks for architecture. I hope the salt and pepper shakers look as good as this render. 

My Sample object(s)

The url for the article talking about the 3D printed bricks is this:

Be prepared for more updates about this collaborative project. 
