Parametric vessels

I have to admit that I am still kind of shaky about the whole grasshopper program, but working off of examples does help. The three images above use the exact same set up, but with different numbers and colours. 
The light blue was the first to be made then the yellow, and finally the red vessel. I am quite happy with the results, but I realize that to use the yellow and red vessels in a mold may provide some difficulties in the slip casting process by having some of the slip get caught in the sharp angles. They may not drain properly. 
With that in mind, I decided that I would try to alter the red vessel to soften the sharp angles, but still have it look similar to the original. The result is below.
I have been finding that when the values are altered, the vessel either has very sharp angles or is rather subtle in its shape variance. I wonder if there is a way of isolating a certain section before altering it without changing the other sections. Like how one can slice an object in Rhino into sections before altering it and rejoining the pieces. 

I also decided to try rebuilding the same set up in grasshopper without looking at the example. It did help me gain a better understanding of the set up. I ended making three more vessels just in case some of the designs don't print without the supports. 

It really is quite amazing how different the vessels look after altering a couple of variables. 
